For the short animation assignment I'm working with the talented Dalit Steinbrecher. We started our project with a brainstorming session over zoom.
On our brainstorming we talked about Identities. We feel a lot of people define Identities by looking at a particular group.
On a more personal note: we feel that a lot of people define us as Jewish and Israelis. But even inside of Jewishness there are different Identities and different stories.
We thought about the different narratives that each Identity is recognized with, and we want to show that everyone has a different narrative.
We decided to do that by creating an animation of a famous Israeli children story named the "Green man". The story is about a green man that lives in a green city with his green wife and green kids. One day he sees a blue man and asks him: "what are you doing here?". The blue man replays: "Me? I'm from a different story".
So, we are going to animate this story, only in our story the green man will be a Hassidic Jew and the blue man will be a secular woman.
First, we started by imaging the different scenes that will be in our animation according to the childhood story, and in which form we gonna animate the characters in the AfterAffects.
As for the style, I love to draw and illustrate and Dalit coms from a much more graphic world. So we decided that I will draw and she will put a graphic layer.
I started by drawing the different senses on a piece of paper, I was thinking about our Hassidi character and the way he will look. I painted with watercolors to add a lot of different shades of green. This is our storyboard:

I realize that it will be much harder to draw this in the Illustrator and I started to explore this a little bit.

We look at a few inspiration for our animation:

I saw some nice work by Helena Kampen in panimaton. I love how her lines are really simple but then she gives the drawing some really interesting animation, the characters are static and the animation effect seems a lot cooler because the movement is while they are at the same position.
