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Smart Knitting Needles 2.0

For this final project I would like to take my knitting needles one step forward to become an actual product.

I want my smart knitting needles to be independent and not have wires hanging on it and connected to the Arduino.

I started by understanding how I should build these needles. I think the best option for it to be aesthetically is to create a kind of puzzle to those needles.

I would use the same iron bar I used before it might be that I need a bigger radius. And I will cut it in the middle.

I also need the iron to be shallow, which I think will help me to make the needles weightless.

The needles will have two parts that are connected in the middle, which can give me a direct link to the electronic components on the inside.

I am still not very sure what circuit I will have inside and which switch or sensor to use that could turn on from the outside layer of the needles.

First attempt of a circuit:

I realize I need to have a small hole in the edge of the needle for charging the battery.

I also need to think about the connection between the needles to the system, it could be through Bluetooth.

Connected to where? In order for it to be a product I will need some sort of an application, I would like to create an app that will define between Instructors and students The P5 language is JavaScrips, so could I use this sketch I made and apply it to my app?

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