Why are you here today? I think that after our exercise in class it become much more clear to me that the process to a good design is more important and in order to create a better outcome I need to have a profound research and the more question I have the better. My goal from this class is to develop new skills to establish knowledge about user experience and understand how design research can help me to identifying needs and characterize solutions.
Key words of the class – Practice, Process and Mythology.
Experience design, focus on using research, ask yourself question such as, is there a market for it? What is the Input – Output. Give attention to problems you need to solve. Definition around the problem - diverging - different solutions. We thinking we making - recycle. Discover a new path, take a step back and rethink, embrace new solutions that come across as it is part of the process. Diversion thinking - narrow our focus - more research- more approaches. Messy and refine, are we looking at the right problem? Need to go back and rethink. Open to change the problem, because of this gray area we need to think differently.
Just Enough Research by Erika Hall, first chapter - Enough is Enough:
Four fundamental transportation and two basic paths, the journey has a beginning and an end - ground rules. Danger is a good thing is part of our design process. Research is a tool offering a better view of your surroundings and help with different techniques: solving problems, discover advantages, learning how to convince customers about your purposes, identify small changes with influence, acknowledge your blind spots.
The better you know things the better you will be positioned to innovate.Research is systematic inquiry and the process depends on who you are and what you need to know. Pure research is based on observation or experimentation. Successful research extent that it contributes to the stated goal and in pure research you can discover something that you weren’t even looking for (bonus).
Design research refer to the study of design itself, his purpose and process. Designers focuses on understanding the people for whom we’re designing for. For a design to be successful it must serve the needs and desires of actual humans. Asking yourself questions and knowing how to find answers is critical for being a good designer and open your way to more innovative and appropriate design solutions.It is not about what people do or don’t like (same as saying about a piece of art that it looks good), because it is subjective. Research is not political tool don’t let that influence your findings and also not science (we are designers). Ask more but more important Better questions - critical thinking.
It seems to me that after reading this book and understanding better how to conduct a meaningful research I will have much more control over my designs.
* Suggested book - 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People by Susan Weinschenk.
Journey mapping is a pretty common way of thinking about experience. What are the steps involve with doing something?
My journey map:
