Going over the videos and exploring the random walker I felt like I wanted to reveal some image from that movement. I thought about creating a random walk that will reveal a textile pattern that I made.

The coding examples were really helpful, it made everything much more clear to me https://editor.p5js.org/natureofcode/collections/pKi2cbngG.
I used an array to control the position, radius and angle. I had a few problems with the size of the image, I tried to fit the image to the canvas by scaling it but it didn't work so I created the canvas in the width and height of the image.
// let ww2iw;
function setup() {
// ww2iw = windowWidth / img.width;// to fit
// console.log(ww2iw); // calculating ww2iw in the console
createCanvas(img.width, img.height);
function draw() {
// scale(ww2iw, ww2iw);//scaling the image
I used lines to draw the image and to complete the pattern:
I am not sure if it's my textile eyes but the sketch gave me a sense of feathers.

I had a lot of fun trying this with different shapes and images.
Going forward I would like to try playing with layers, maybe adding alpha value I could play with different pattern on top of each other.